Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Bob Dole And O.J. Simpson, Together At Last?

I enjoyed this post from The Eclectic Life about finding things in old used books. I've found my fair share of fun things in used books, with my favorite being a trading card of former major league pitcher Dick Pole.

(Check out that picture, porn name? Check. Porn Stache? Check)

Near the end of the post they've got a picture of some "carefully clipped pictures of Bob Dole and O.J. Simpson" that they found together in a book recently. What a combo.


Shelly Kneupper Tucker said...

Thanks for the mention! I love your trading card of Dick Pole. Mpppht! That's me snorting coffee out my nose! Not a pretty sight. Be careful or your blog will have an NC17 rating!
This Eclectic Life

Retro Politics said...

Thanks for the visit. Glad you liked the story.